Friday 4 May 2012

Gaining biodiversity

Hello there. Nasheem,Shaojie and Àlex Varela writing today!

More news in the school pond. Birds keep coming to drink from the pond,which is hilarious!
We have just seen two pigeons!

Despite this, the pond is drying out. The question being whether we must add more water...what do you think?

Plants continue growing healthily meaning that the pond is contributing to biodiversity. Mission accomplished!
We are "creating life".
Adding to this, some days ago we saw some libellula larvae but we couldn't find it today.

About tadpoles,they are getting bigger and bigger. See picture below.
In a few weeks it's probable that they die, unable to continue their metamorphosis process. So keep observing them as you can!

Now, we are going to plant some decorative plants all around the pond to make it look beautiful.

Spring is in the air!

pigeons: coloms
drying out: assecant-se
larvae: larves
tadpoles: capgrossos
metamorphosis: metamorfosis