Friday 8 June 2012

Hello everyone! We are Alba, Samuel and Jordi.

We haven't written for ages! Big apologies about this.

During the past three weeks it has rained quite a lot. Therefore, our pond has increased its level of water. This has created more biodiversity.

Flies, wasps, mosquitoes are "flying around"! Beware! Plants have continued growing and some flowers have finally blossomed: a beautiful purple Iris and a gorgeous yellow water lily.
Iris and water lily

 In the less deep part of the pond, that is on the left, an algae called toll in Catalan, has spread its wings. It's not that we know all this Catalan names, Quim Vilar, our vegetable garden workshop teacher has explained this to us!


Sad news are that are less tadpoles. Be a scientist yourself and think about possible reasons of this. Yes, we know they have most probably died but could you tell us why? Write an entry to our blog with your ideas!

Samuel and Ricard Jubany in 2C found some frogs on their way to school, they walked them in their little hands up to here. Once they arrived they spoke to Marta Guillaumes and they freed them in the pond. Chances to see them are low but if you see them please take a picture and let us know!

Can you spot the wasp?
As a conclusion, spring is at its peak! Enjoy it and don't forget to observe the pond, your pond, before going to class; just as good scientists do!

We are hungry to listen to your ideas and findings!

For ages: fa temps
Apologies: disculpes
Biodiversity: biodiversitat
Flies: mosques
Wasps: avispes
Flying around: voltant per aquí
Beware: aneu en compte
Blossom: florir
Iris: iris
Water lily: nenúfer
Algae: algues
Deep: profund
Spread: escampar-se/desplegar
Wings: ales
Tadpoles: capgrossos
Entry: entrada 
Frogs: granotes
Walk: caminar/portar
Free: alliberar
Chances: oportunitats
Spot: trobar
Peak: pic
Scientists: científics
Hungry: tenir gana/metafòricament tenir moltes ganes de (...)
Findings: troballes